Java web application case studies
The Java EE 6 Tutorial
Chapter 53
Duke’s Forest Case Study Example
Duke’s Forest is a simple e-commerce application that contains two web applications and illustrates the use of multiple Java EE 6 APIs:
- JavaServer Faces technology, including Ajax
- Contexts and Dependency Injection for the Java EE Platform (CDI)
- Java API for XML Web Services (JAX-WS)
- Java API for RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS)
- Java Persistence API (JPA)
- Java API for JavaBeans Validation (Bean Validation)
- Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) technology
The application consists of the following projects:
- Duke’s Store: A web application that has a product catalog, customer self-registration, and a shopping cart. It also has an administration interface for product, category, and user management. The project name is dukes-store.
- Duke’s Shipment: A web application that provides an interface for order shipment management. The project name is dukes-shipment.
- Duke’s Payment: A web service application that has a JAX-WS service for order payment. The project name is dukes-payment.
- Duke’s Resources: A simple Java archive project that contains all resources used by the web projects. It includes messages, CSS style sheets, images, JavaScript files, and JavaServer Faces composite components. The project name is dukes-resources.
- Entities: A simple Java archive project that contains all JPA entities. This project is shared among other projects that use the entities. The project name is entities.
- Events: A simple Java archive project that contains a POJO class that is used as a CDI event. The project name is events.
The following topics are addressed here:
- Design and Architecture of Duke's Forest
- Building and Deploying the Duke's Forest Case Study Application
- Running the Duke's Forest Application
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