Abuse is when someone seeks to hurt another person or treat them badly. It can happen once or continue over months or years. It can be accidental or deliberate. Abuse can take many forms, just because there is no injury doesn’t mean there is no abuse.
Neglect is when someone who is meant to look after another person does not look after them properly.
Self-neglect is when you neglect your own health, hygiene and surroundings. It is any failure of an adult to take care of himself / herself that causes or is reasonably likely to cause serious physical, mental or emotional harm or substantial damage to themselves or loss of assets.
If you are the victim of abuse, or you know someone who you think is at risk, or has been abused, then it is important to get help. You can report your concerns to us using a secure online form.
Abuse or neglect is not your fault. No one has the right to abuse you. Please speak up if you or someone you know is at risk of or experiencing abuse. If you are not sure what is happening to someone but you are concerned and would like some advice, please contact us at any time:
Adult Social Care: 020 8871 7707
In an emergency always call 999.