FEMA B-761 November 2017
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The FEMA Incident Management Handbook (IMH) is a tool to assist FEMA emergency management personnel in conducting their assigned missions in the field. The IMH provides information on FEMA's incident-level operating concepts, organizational structures, functions, position descriptions, and key assets and teams.
Why buy a book you can download for free? We print this book so you don't have to.
First you gotta find a good clean (legible) copy and make sure it's the latest version (not always easy). Some documents found on the web are missing some pages or the image quality is so poor, they are difficult to read. We look over each document carefully and replace poor quality images by going back to the original source document. We proof each document to make sure it's all there - including all changes. If you find a good copy, you could print it using a network printer you share with 100 other people (typically its either out of paper or toner). If it's just a 10-page document, no problem, but if it's 250-pages, you will need to punch 3 holes in all those pages and put it in a 3-ring binder. Takes at least an hour.
It's much more cost-effective to just order the latest version from Amazon.com